About Us

Who we are

APTAK is a non-profit making organization registered under the Societies Act, Chapter 108 of the Laws of Kenya.
  1. The main objective of the Association is to provide a forum for deliberations, discussions and consultations on prudent trusteeship and administration affecting members of the association and make recommendations, if any to the Retirement Benefits Authority and matters incidental thereto:
  2. We also seek to promote best practice in trusteeship and administration of retirement benefits through regular training and education and partnership with key national and regional players in the industry.
  3. The Association has no political affiliation with any political party and has non-political objectives.


The specific objectives of the Association are:
  1. to provide a forum for dialogue among all retirement benefits Trustees and administrators so as to facilitate discussion on matters of common interest to members;
  2. to encourage and assist, where possible, joint retirement benefits Trustees and administration researches or other matters of interest to the Association or to her members;
  3. to avail opportunities for communication, dissemination of information, networking and partnership amongst members and other regional and international retirement benefits Trustees and administrators;
  4. to establish contacts and encourage exchange of information and experiences amongst members;
  5. to facilitate the promotion of retirement benefits trusteeship and administration awareness and training in the country;
  6. to cooperate and work closely with the Governments, regional and international organizations and other stakeholders in promoting retirement benefits trusteeship and administration development in the country;
  7. to encourage and promote settlement of disputes of a general nature affecting the collective interest of its members;
  8. to co-operate in the development of skills and competencies in the trusteeship and administration of retirement benefits;
  9. to foster transparency, good governance, share expertise and application of best practices in the retirement benefits trusteeship, administration and management amongst its members;
  10. to promote the development of legal mechanisms that will facilitate the harmonization of schemes benefits and qualifying criteria in order to facilitate cross border labour mobility; and
  11. to take steps which the Association may consider appropriate to protect the interests of Retirement Benefits Schemes operated by or associated with members of the Association.
  12. to set up institutions for formal training for pension trustees and administrators in liaison with other relevant institutions.
  13. to do such other things as may be necessary in furtherance of the purpose and objects of the Association.


APTAK is managed under the guidance of a council comprising 15 members, drawn from different pension schemes and elected by members. The Council is supported by four sub- committees each charged with responsibility to ensure the objectives of the association are realized. The members of the Council are:
  1. Dr. Hosea Kili
  2. CPA Charles S. Nyameino
  3. Peter Rotich
  4. Boniface M. Mwangangi
  5. Peter Rotich – Treasurer
  6. Caroline Kodo
  7. CPA Sylvia Nashipae
  8. Margaret Osure
  9. Fredrick Nzui
  10. Sammy Njeru
  11. Elijah Koskey
  12. Tom Mulwa
  13. Simon Wagubwa
  14. Isaac Mitei
  15. Godwin Simba


The four sub-committees of the APTAK are:
  1. Programs and Partnerships
  2. Membership and Finance
  3. Regulatory and Legislations
  4. Nominations